Private School verses Public School - The Debate Continues

There are many arguments about whether you should send your child to a private school or a public school. The debate will never end because everyone has their own opinions about education. Getting a good and safe education is a very important goal to accomplish in this day and age. Although most children go to a public middle and high school in their area, many still begin and end their education in a private school. Here, we will bring up some points and arguments for both sides.

Many people swear by public schools. They have attended them, received a great education and will tell others it is perfectly fine and safe for your children to attend these schools. Also, they do not cost nearly as much money as private schools do. They are actually free! Other than paying small fees and bringing supplies into class each year, the fees are very small. People who are against public schools will argue they are really dangerous and terrible tragedies happen at these schools every single year. Although there may be some merit to those statements, there are more police officers being put into schools and also numerous safety measures being instated to make sure everyone at the schools are safe- faculty, staff and students a like.
For the people who can afford to send their children to a school other than a public school, it is not guaranteed to be safer. Just because a family has a little more money than most other people does not mean they will properly raise their children and keep a close eye on what they are doing every day. Supporters of private schools will argue the curriculum is better at their elite and prestigious schools, and maybe that is true. Certainly the children will be exposed to much more culture because their parents will have the money to send them on field trips to see and experience the world. This does not make their opinion wrong. It just means they prefer one over the other.
At the end of the day, as long as children are being well-educated, we should all be supportive of one another- public or private school. Since children are our future, we need to make sure they learn as much as they can, and also understand how to survive and avoid dangers and other harmful things this crazy world has to offer. Good people should stick together to fight evil!
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