A Trump tweet, from within the last minute.
LIVE: Press Briefing with Coronavirus Task Force https://t.co/3WQV4egsWc— The White House (@WhiteHouse) March 18, 2020
@warnagresik cat Moonlight Red PU #catmoonlight #moonlightred #catmobil #catmotor #warna2000 ♬ suara asli - warna2000
@warnagresik Cat Moonlight Blue PU Gresik #catmoonlight #moonlightblue #catmotor #catmobil #tokocat #catpu #kece ♬ suara asli - warna2000
@warnagresik Moonlight Red PU Gresik #moonlightredpu #catmoonlightred #moonlightredpu #gresik #tokocat #kece ♬ suara asli - warna2000
LIVE: Press Briefing with Coronavirus Task Force https://t.co/3WQV4egsWc— The White House (@WhiteHouse) March 18, 2020